Friday 29 August 2008

a mutual love of cakes

Here's something I've been designing for a friend who is starting her own glamorous but homespun cupcake stall, called I Love Cake.

For this logo and brand I have hand lettered and illustrated it for a home-made feel as befits a company which trades in home made cupcakes. The logo which goes on one line has been rendered into a rubber stamp, which the proprietor uses to stamp on the white card cake boxes the cakes are sent home in, and in colour it works across her blog and business cards. Yummy! Check out her blog at for mouthwatering pictures and updates.
The blend of my scratchyish illustrations and hand rendered type combined with strong branding using cooper black gives I love Cake a professional feel while retaining it's handmade craft origins too. Check out Mr Nutty who gives customers a gentle warning about the nuttier variety of cupcakes on offer.

1 comment:

Redpenlins said...

Hope lots of these cakes find their way to the office!! x