Tuesday 4 November 2008

Ellen and Bertrand. A love story (and a wedding invitation at last!)

Ellen and Bertrand met at a gig, fancied each other's socks off, and then discovered they were neighbours! A relationship of semaphore and signals across the street to each other ensued, until they realised that this was silly and costly, so after tossing some coins and winning some bets, a la Friends, Ellen upped sticks and moved in to his flat. A bit later on, they've bought a proper grown up house, with a lawn big enough for Bertrand to justify a drive a ride on mower for... and a kitchen so knackered Ellen HAD to put a whole new spanking one in... We've been to visit. It's gorgeous.

Anyway, to cap it all off they're getting married! And I have been very busy designing their invitations... And if they would only decide on their monogram, I will get it made into a wax seal... My favourite is the top one. Which do you like best?

The invitation is nearly there, it has a spring theme, signifying new beginnings. It's all in german - so it's quite hard to understand, but it's ever so glamorous. Enjoy!

Monday 3 November 2008

Alice & Dan's wedding invitation

A good pal of mine, Alice, got married to her lovely man, Dan this July, and I designed their stationery as a wedding present. It suited them both perfectly and it went with her whole 30's theme. It was a wonderful wedding! I designed a monogram of their initials, and this was turned into a rubber stamp in gold metallic ink which sealed the envelope. The invitations were printed black on ivory card, in keeping with the very pared back 30's feel of the day, and were sent out in hugely classy thick cream envelopes with black tissue lining. Stationery extended to menus, order of service, directions and monogram.

Thursday 25 September 2008

We all Love Cake!

We all love cakes, especially the good folk at I Love Cake, but some of us are not so fond of nuts.
There's no way round it, if you're selling delicious baked treats, then those who can't play 'revel roulette' need to know when they're likely to be endangered to the point of extinction. Still, no need to make it a miserable subject, so here's NUTTY to show which cakes are, well, nutty!

A new monogram

I've just been commissioned to create a monogram as a wedding present for a friend of a friend, I love it! And it was a different sort of job because I was stepping into new territory, designing for someone whom I had never met, so getting their personality right was more of a challenge, but all good for expanding my experiences as stationer to the stars... Or something :O)

Friday 29 August 2008

a mutual love of cakes

Here's something I've been designing for a friend who is starting her own glamorous but homespun cupcake stall, called I Love Cake.

For this logo and brand I have hand lettered and illustrated it for a home-made feel as befits a company which trades in home made cupcakes. The logo which goes on one line has been rendered into a rubber stamp, which the proprietor uses to stamp on the white card cake boxes the cakes are sent home in, and in colour it works across her blog and business cards. Yummy! Check out her blog at http://cakeylove.blogspot.com for mouthwatering pictures and updates.
The blend of my scratchyish illustrations and hand rendered type combined with strong branding using cooper black gives I love Cake a professional feel while retaining it's handmade craft origins too. Check out Mr Nutty who gives customers a gentle warning about the nuttier variety of cupcakes on offer.

Amanda and Ollie's wedding stationery, Dec 2007

At the end of 2007, Amanda and Ollie were married in a fabulous ceremony in true Christmas grandeur.
I designed their stationery, and a personalised monogram for them both, which reflected Christmas through the use of type ornaments, and a fin de siecle feel, reminiscent of Moulin Rouge. Stationery comprised of bespoke invitations, an RSVP card, Order of Service sheets, menus, all bearing the unique personal monogram made into a stamp, and a thankyou card.
Amanda even surprised Ollie with beautiful personal cufflinks bearing the monogram as a wedding gift. Gingerlily flowers and Tigerlily stationery came together in great form again on this one. see http://gingerlily-flowers.blogspot.com/ for more on this one!

Wednesday 27 August 2008

Gingerlily Flowers... The Brand!

My fabulous sister's fledgeling floristry business needed a logo and brand to give it a bit of woooooomph. We all need a head start and having a really strong brand helps! Opening your own shop is one helluva thing to do, and so I got a bit bossy probably and designed the logo, then spiralled off into other ideas, like stamps, and pretty open and closed signs, and well, it all just adds to the amazing shopping experience that is Gingerlily Flowers.

Tigerlily Stationery... let's start at the beginning

Designing wedding stationery is something I have always liked to do... Having studied Graphic design at Uni and doing it as my dayjob, it seemed a natural progression to start doing things on the side for friends and for me. My friends' weddings seemed a good place to start! I love designing stationery. I particularly like wedding stationery, it's so personal and so unique... I also like to design logos, and things that are for friends. It's easier when you love the person that wants something designing to design them something with love.